Socio-ecological systems in arctic regions are highly vulnerable to environmental changes. Climate warming is threatening the economy (i.e. tourism and resource extraction) and the livelihoods, culture and identity of indigenous and non-indigenous northern communities. Local communities depend on information about future changes in permafrost thaw and tundra ecosystem functioning to develop local adaptation strategies. Policymakers at national and international levels need accessible reports and clear guidance to plan adaptive measures and strategies. There is also a great need to raise public awareness about the high sensitivity of the Arctic to environmental threats and to inspire young generation.
In TERRA, we aim to bring our work beyond the scientific community and maximize the project’s impact to reach a large audience.
We have planned an effective dissemination plan including articles in mainstream newspapers and magazines, communications of our research in diverse social media platforms (check our twitter account!) and diverse outreach activities (workshop and exhibition, summer 2024). This webpage and our blog are also part of our communication strategy. Towards this end of the project, an overreaching synthesis will be produced. This synthesis is devoted to the integration of the results and the communication of reliable and stakeholder-friendly predictions of the risks associated with climate change and herbivory pressure for permafrost thaw rate and ecosystems services.
Do you plan scientific events? Public information missions? Are you a scientific journalist? You would like to hear more about how research project and prepare some outreach activities?
Contact us here!